Fun, Food & Friends (Virtual) 18+

Fun, Food & Friends (Virtual) 18+

Let’s reduce the isolation and adopt healthy practices! We enjoy making healthy snacks together and discussing common interests of the group. Guest speakers are invited frequently & online gatherings occur the first Tuesday of the month. Virtual Sessions: Oct 1,...
Fun, Food & Friends (Virtual) 18+

Fun, Food & Friends 18+

Let’s reduce the isolation and adopt healthy practices! We enjoy making healthy snacks together and discussing common interests of the group. Guest speakers are invited frequently & online gatherings occur the first Tuesday of the month. Virtual Sessions: Oct 1,...


Bingo Afternoon at Kinbridge! Join us the first Monday of every month, for an interactive afternoon of Bingo! Get a chance to play games, win prizes and connect! Refreshments available! $2 drop in fee to play
Healthy Choices 55+

Healthy Choices 55+

Let’s reduce the isolation and adopt healthy practices for older adults! We will discuss health and wellness, fall prevention, and ways to stay active! Light refreshments will be available. This is open to 55 + only. Let’s be empowered to make healthy...
Cuchina Community Connect 18+

Cuchina Community Connect 18+

Looking for a space to grow together? Let’s gather together as we enjoy a light lunch, chat and relax! Every other week we will be doing fun activities together such as pot painting, garden stone making, and yoga in the park. This is part of our Fall 2024 peer support...